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- More reviewsDeepti Premji09:23 30 Dec 22I am extremely greatful to the Universe to connect me with Sneha and Shashank....I started doing their workshops during the lockdown...Practicing what they taught in those workshops helped me stay sane during the anxiety filled COVID period....ISRA workshops have helped me understand myself better and overcome my anger issues,anxiety, fears and insecurities....I have become a much more confident person who loves herself. I have become more calmer, compassionate and empathetic....I am now living a very meaningful and purposeful life.There's lots more for me to learn from them and I am going to continue my journey with them always.I wish Sneha and Shashank and team ISRA a very Happy and Prosperous 2023....Wishing you tons of happiness, love, purposeful life,peace, contentment, togetherness and wonderful memories..God Bless❤️Vrushali Joshi09:42 01 Dec 22I attained 7 days healthy relationship couple challenge and Daily task were good. If both partners are ready to do it then definately it will help to improve the bond. My partner not cooperated to do tasks so not helped for me much but I am very sure it is something which one should try and take effort for better relationshipsSupriya Nirantare12:24 13 Nov 22I have taken coaching from Shashank and while he is very calm while he listens, he can point out your exact work areas with such pointed questions that it is amazing.I have really been enlightened about my blocks, patterns in thought because of him, all of which were working against me....Thank you so much!Arti Shah12:07 10 Nov 22Wonderful training by you both.Got to know the real reason behind our arguments. I think now it will be easier to accept each other better. I Thank you both for the exceptional webinar.Pravalika Sowjanya17:32 14 Oct 22Hello everyone,I attended the free webinar - 'Strategies to deal with difficult people'.Amazing Experience, both Sneha ma'am and Shashank sir had good knowledge in their field. Pricey courses and so it's difficult for students to take part. you need to be focused for that time as once you lose the track, the online link gets closed and therefore the 2000rs. with 24hrs recording is better than only live one. Yet for students it's a little pricey.VS Gurumani10:49 13 Oct 22Excellent, vibrant webinar. Rich in content, pacy n full of actionable n thoughtful points! Sneha n Shashank were their engaging best as always. I had the satisfaction of having spent my time most usefully.Shilpika Raheja08:14 22 Jun 22I have had the most enriching 7 days experience with ISRA Team being part of the self love challenge. It was beautifully designed, my personal favorite was the videos shared by Sneha daily as they were absolutely profound and every word she spoke it resonated with my soul. Every day I looked forward to the messages and shares on the group. This inwards journey has helped me immensely as it has been a positive reinforcement for me to continue working on myself and helping me live my life's purpose of spreading light and love.Dakshita Khandelwal06:43 22 Jun 22A very rejuvenating week with ISRA self-love challenge. Reflecting over oneself was the motive of the challenge and Oh! How well did they help everyone with the videos, worksheets and the self-reflection questions. Thank You Team ISRA. Self-love is going to be a journey that everyone will enjoy now!Aradhna Srivastava05:34 22 Jun 22i attended the 7 day self love challenge with Sneha and Shashank and it was a life changing experience. The baby steps they taught are good foundation of life long practice of self love. Every exercise was thoughtful and brought me closer to self love and every evening the interactions were amazing. Great Work ISRA team!!!Geo Duran Coach00:14 22 Jun 22I love the challenge, but much more the work you do for all the people around the world. I am a HYL teacher and I got my certification in 2012 as you did, but I am amazed how far and how great you have send the message.The Challenge remind me of the importance to take care of myself, to stop and to give me some me time.I am so grateful and I will continue following your workThank you so muchGeorginaSween Saini15:32 21 Jun 22Learnt a lot in Covid crisis. This is still one of my favourite tasks seriously. This platform and the duo hosts deserve all stars for their efficiency, knowledge, commitment and simply adorable execution. Kept one start as I am greedy to get more.... Love you guys and really looking forward to get an opportunity to meet you in person ASAP in any training class... Stay blessed and be at your best always~~Shilpi Bhatiani13:53 21 Jun 22I loved the 7 day self-love challenge created by Isra! What's app was generating love and joy! I liked the format of silently communicating and all questions being answered - And in how many ways! Enjoyed the medium and the energy 😌Surendra Sitani13:30 21 Jun 22It was very useful session, precise inputs to support all aspects of this beautiful life in very right way. Thank you for making wonderful contribution from your end through your great teachings. Keep it going to guide and make differences in so many lives. Fabulous aspects on Self love covered beautifully in 7 days. I Appreciate from bottom of my heart.Renu Kohli12:45 21 Jun 22It was quite an amazing experience. We all speak about self-love, but don't quite know we can truly love ourselves, small little places where we shrink ourselves for others, where we betray ourselves to please other. For me, I have realized I have to acknowledge and appreciate myself before I can even accept others to do so. That will keep my self-esteem up and inspire me to living a positive lifeSHARAD KRISHNA12:07 12 May 22Their webnair s make u hold, ur breath , very meaningful ,lots to learn presented in A WONDERFUL waySharad KrishnaHimani Sharma10:38 12 May 22It was wonderful attending the webinar. I have been practising Louise Hay way of living for the past 5 years and the session I feel was very well articulated and provided immense clarity. Truly believe that the power is within. Thank you Sneha and Shashank. More power to you both👍🏻😊🙏🏻Thulasi Giant Leap09:00 12 May 22Both Shashank and Sneha are doing a fabulous work. Wishing all success!Anuraddha Sampat13:17 29 Mar 22The workshop on "Heal Your Life" conducted by Neha and Shanshank was really great .I found the explanation on mind-body connection and use of affirmations very useful along with the other amazing insights given by them.Renu Srivastava05:18 11 Feb 22experience was very good ....became easier to unsersatnd the difference in various working style n how one can work towards change to the most acceptable one ..the assertive style..thanksjawahar sharma07:19 10 Feb 22Great. Seems over 90% true but based on assumptions. A PRAISEWORTHY SESSION FOR PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT...REGARDSArnab Mitra07:08 10 Feb 22S square is fantastic, especially the way they present themselves in all the workshop that I have attended during the last 1 year . The duo is professional and deserves a 5 star rating. I wish them all the very best in all their future endeavour / training programs . Kudos and THANK YOU :) !!Anupa Ramana07:06 10 Feb 22Well-crafted and well-conducted.Engaging, high-energy trainers.Good demonstration of concept.Ruchi Gera05:12 06 Jan 22It has been Excellent experience and lot of reflection that i did after doing the training from you. It has actually helped me to understand me and people around me in much better way. Thanks alotHeather09:19 14 Nov 21Fantastic Managing with Heart and Mind training here in the UK delivered with passion and integrity and fabulous content. I love the follow up information that is available and the sense of community. Whilst I’m not the most active of contributors I feel the love and support abs know should I need advice it is readily there.Honey H Vachhani06:08 13 Nov 21Love both of them for the beautiful souls they are . Along with high professional ethics and great presentations. They are very sincere, committed and passionate about their work.God bless you to reach out millions of more lives.Deval Doshi05:41 13 Nov 21Shashank and Sneha are the perfect bunch to seek out clarity to reach your goals whatever the goal may be. The simplicity and grace wit h which you reach your answer is their USP. The content and the context are so wonderfully delivered that achieving your goals becomes just the next obvious step in your journey with them. Thanks ISRA.SanjayKumar10:07 22 Oct 21It's an amazing session from Team ISRA ,I have learned different aspects of success , success is not just bank Balance , not about just career growth it's all about being happy in life (Having good relationship with everyone around us in family and office etc) by significantly contributing for society along with professional achievements. More Power to Team ISRA , looking forward to your next session.Anamika Chakravarty10:51 14 Oct 21I found the webinar too much, too fast. There was no time for me to reflect or breathe. I am sure you have a reason for it. Would love to know your strategy :-)Ranjana Mandan03:32 03 Sep 21It was an excellent session! Cane to know the ways we can protect our relations. The five EGO Games were excellent! It was a self introspect. Thank You ISRA for guiding us!Roselin Natal13:06 02 Sep 21A REALLY WONDERFUL SESSION.ONE THING I REALLY LIKED THE MOST IS TO LOVE AND APPRECIATE ONESELF NO MATTER WHAT.Joseph Prabu12:49 02 Sep 21I regularly attend your free webinar.I found it informative, inspirational and above all transformative. It has helped me to grow and develop holistically. Thank you for your interactive sessions. I appreciate that I am in your invitee list of ISRA.Suchitra Vaidya09:36 05 Aug 21It was a very inspirational webinar. And a very crucial too in today's scenario, where depression, anxiety and many more mental health hazards are affecting people without any discrimination. Thank you.I wish to work and recreate myself inner and outer being...Monica Dsouza12:09 24 Jun 21As a team, you guys were powerful, energetic and great in explaining the four strategies to build an Abundance Mindset. The exercise on the questionnaire helped in actually scanning our mindset. Each reachable strategy with a very positive note was well explained.Komarraju Soujanya10:37 24 Jun 21I like the way they present their stuff. Their topics are varied and useful. Easy to comprehend and understand. Practical strategies are provided which helps us all. Grateful to be associated with them!Zarir Master07:05 10 Jun 21I have already commented on the training experience that I have undergone with ISRA. Both the owners are professionals and experts at the manner in which they communicate. One is fully engrossed when they are at work. I feel, however, that this virtual training cannot replace the electrifying impact of their presence. I am looking forward to normal (?) times when I can be present in a live program where interaction is effective and enjoyable. Thank you.Arati Bulbule bulbule13:13 09 Jun 21It's very immense pleasure to share my word with you all. Such a wonderful thought are getting shared it helps to behavioral change of mankind and to control our own mind and thinking. Thank youSelva Rani12:22 09 Jun 21Emphatic and effective , hitting upon the head type of content delivery!Interactive too. Thoroughly enjoyed and benefitted from the time spent and recommended to my friends tooSamruddhi Patil07:05 06 May 21I am going through a rough phase in my life, but attending this seminar "Overcome negative thinking", helped me to recognize my own thoughts, my own negativity, my own self sabotaging behavior.It was just an hour of training which made me aware of my negative thought process. Because of that, for the first time in so many months, I found hope again, I started thinking clearly and rationally.Thank you so much. I hope more and more people take advantage of this, and we all start living and ideal, satisfying life which we all yearn for.sudhir yadav11:47 29 Apr 21Presentation and way of explaining the topic is very excellent and knowledgeable. Wish you best for your future. ThanksJose Koonananickal Thomas10:20 29 Apr 21My hearty congratulations to both of you for the great presentation. Your presentation was so pleasant and personal, it was a joy to participate in the webinar. You made so simple the difficult technical aspects. We could see the ease and competence at every level. I am happy in promoting your webinars to mu friends and associates.Toral Sanghvi07:24 29 Apr 21It was a robust 1 hour introduction to possibilities of marketing for a start-up. If one has basic understanding of technology, this workshop puts you in the right direction in terms of using assets available online to self start marketing activities. Look forward to the next set of trainings to get a deep dive into marketing toolsAdhir Mathur13:07 11 Apr 21It was an amazing experience attending the session "Developing your Emotional intelligence" by Sneha and Shashank.I have a deep interest and passion for EI and the use of 5 core Emotional needs and connecting it to the mental filters has appealed to me a lot.We quite often get into Emotional hijack and the steps to overcome them is so handy to practice.I would recommend the session to all those willing to understand and develop Emotional intelligence.sushant chawla10:52 01 Apr 21Attended and learned from learning sessions. Excellent content and delivery. Excellent way of connecting with people. Thank you very much !Chandraketu Sahu04:49 19 Mar 21Online Session was fruitful. Some questions were still unanswered...as "How to bounce stress contributor?"...What to do if your hard & sincere work goes unrecognized?...what a re the best practices to avoid conflict, a major stress factor?...How to evaluate a persons true character, you are never certain about people's truth they may pretend to be good to you but would be different in reality.Annapurna P12:17 18 Mar 21Wonderful session by Sneha and Shashank. Its a pleasure attending your sessions. My key take away was the concept of Circle of Influence and the Circle of Concern which was beautifully explained.Reena Deena05:40 12 Mar 21I have been a regular attender of Wednesday workshop. However off late I have been facing lot of mood swings and been wasting my time like hell. Feel very down and neglected all the time. After attending the workshop and understanding the game of internal and external mind, I am really feeling very blessed. For the past two days feeling full of energetic. When ever I am feeling low, I immediately talk to my inner heart and its helping me a lot. Thank you very much Isra, for making us feel worth .Aruna Thakkar13:38 11 Mar 21The training is made very interesting with simple language, self explanatory PPT, interactive dialogues and is easy to understand and replicate....Thank you for your initiative . POWERFUL, INTERACTIVE AND VERY EFFECTIVE.Pauline Corea11:08 11 Mar 21Sneha and Shashank are dynamic duo! Their trainings are very well structured and of great value!I have attended many of their training and they never fail to deliver an outstanding content and training!!!Aparna Gonate09:00 01 Mar 21In plethora of online training sessions available in the market, seldom you come across a genuine, uniquely crafted impactful training. ISRA's "Communicating despite differences" is one such program. Sneha and Shashank conduct it so passionately that each learning get ingrained quickly. Loved the liveliness too !!!!!Ka Atha12:17 07 Oct 20Fantastic workshop..! It's always delightful to attend their seminars where they also teach techniques to put into daily practice. Very well presented and their workshops are engaging, enjoyable and deeply powerful. Many thanks!Sidheshwar Ghosh15:59 24 Sep 20I found the Webinar on `3 ways to stop procrastinating' very useful and insightful. This has been one of my concerned area and I strongly feel with the inputs provided to STOP PROCASTINATING, I would be a better person - Personally and Professionally.mahathi karra14:48 23 Sep 20Two professionals reaching out people to help them grow in different aspects. The webinar was very helpful and I have purchased the course as well.I found something I was looking for. Looking forward for bringing the change in me.Sakshi Sharma13:51 23 Sep 20After a long time there was a webinar which was not boring and didn't allow the participants to yawn. It was a kind of two way communication which added spark to this one. Otherwise in most of the webinars ,the interest is lost after first 10minutes but nothing of that sort happened here. Looking forward tomany more. All the best to you also and you are doing nice.😊😊😊Kirti Ranshoor14:33 12 Sep 20Inspiration is a feeling of enthusiasm I get from ISRA. I gained crucial insight into the secret of happiness in the first webinar. In the second webinar, I learnt how to make relationships better by consciously avoiding 5 mistakes. Conscious avoidance of these five mistakes is bringing happiness in life.I'm already finding the three tips very helpful for managing emotions. The techniques which I learnt in the third webinar are only three but their implementation in life is helping me to manage plethora of emotions. I am grateful to ISRA for such insightful webinars.Priyaa Shukla14:14 12 Sep 20Isra has clearly established themselves as MARKET LEADERS in the field of training and developing people especially during the Pandemic.They have raised the bar in the space of learning and development. They bring in reflective tools and insights that are totally relevant and so powerful.I feel extremely fortunate to have attended transformational trainings, workshops and webinars with them. Each time I attend a session with them I learn something amazing and astonishing about myself, my relationships and my work.Blind Welfare Council Dahod10:07 12 Sep 20Great learning, the paid courses should have different payment categories, specially in the social sectors where we are highly underpaid, there must be low costing or even you can think of free ship / some sponsorshipHarman Singh05:30 11 Sep 20Session was very engaging and taught very simple yet effective ways of managing one's emotions. Thanks :)Sambeeta Dabral03:30 11 Sep 20Hi. I am a law professor and I just love your events.. Your sessions helped me think about all the things which are important to lead a healthy life. I have learnt a lot from you all. I am not able to now attend your events as have been keeping very busy. Will surely attend your future sessions as I get time. Keep the good work up and keep igniting our minds. God bless you two.Warm regards,Sambeeta DabralPrakash Dhodapkar14:00 10 Sep 20Attended your Webinar on three Techniques to maage difficult Emotions. It was conducted beautifully. Both have very good knowledge of the subject, have perfect co ordination in presenting & the subject matter was covered very well in a simple ,intereractive manner. Thank you so much. Really enjoyed attending your webinar. All the best to both of you!Kirankalyani Akasapu11:42 10 Sep 20Its really an power pack session. The one hour journey with u really made me to know many things and given a chance to analyze myself and helped me to change in greater way. The strategies which you have provided in the session which really helps a lot in daily life to combat with stress.Thank a ton Sneha mam and Shashank sir.Komal Lund11:01 10 Sep 20It's the best way I have ever learnt to manage my emotions. I have learnt a lot from this beautiful webinar. Infact, this webinar has caused a more positive influence on me. Thank you so much Isra. You both are legends. Iam feeling so blessed to be able to attend this webinar of yours. It is really helping me alot.Rajendra Savanur10:54 10 Sep 20Thank you for the opportunity given to me to attend the webinar on Heal your Life . It was very Interesting & wonderful sharing of knowledge & presentation by both of you to make us understand How to heal our body & Mind present scenario.Chaitanya Shah05:11 28 Aug 20I have attended 2 webinars conducted by both of you. It has been a wonderful experience - lot to LEARN & PUT IT INTO PRACTICE to have more fulfilling life.Pcispadma Ss14:30 27 Aug 20Good evening ma'am and sir, the session was awesome. I was able to identify my mistakes in my personal life. Although I was able to know where the mistake was but was not able to actually identify the correct cause. This session was an ice breaker session for me to know my the drawbacks in me and correct the same rather than correcting others.I really thank you ma'am. God bless you and sir.roushan kumar13:39 26 Aug 20The session was a good one. I realized what were the wrong done by me and I personally feel that if you want to change the things it should start from you.Prabhnoor Khurana12:07 26 Aug 20It's a wonderful session, I must say through person can know about themselves ,and makes change in them and build a good relationship with everyone . As relationship are the beautiful , we can't waste it through our destructive words ! So I thank Isra to help me know about myself and I will follow and will be interdependent rather then being dependent !👍👍 keep growingEAS Library12:03 20 Aug 20I am readily agree to find happiness in our own self. We are looking for happiness outside of this world but we really didn't understand this it lies inside us.No one gives you happiness.This concept we all are able to understand clearly in this covid time that we are running from ourself in search of happiness.heba B05:25 14 Aug 20Dears Thanks a lot. I feel Gratitude after the program for my life and for knowing you. I liked the 4 strategies for building an abundant mindset it helped me in a simple and gentle way to focus and see were is the wrong in my thoughts.I’m excited about how I can change my thoughts and that has spurred me a lot.This what I was need to hear it And I didn’t hesitate to sign up for the rest of the programs to get More benefit . I hope for you all the best always . ♥️♥️Dr. Rita Bhattacharjee14:23 13 Aug 20I had a wonderful experience as a participant in the webinar on abundance mindset. The examples and cases were explained well. I will be grateful if you touch few cases in exploring the points. This is my request. I loved the session and am looking forward to see you both in the forthcoming sessions.dharani s12:46 13 Aug 20Hi, the session of scarcity vs abundance was a wonderful experience. The assessment was quite catchy. Very good and knowledgeable information was shared. It was more like a food for thought. Its amazing to catch with you people again.anitha shetty10:57 13 Aug 20It was an amazing session where I came to know of how you can change your self. Simple strategies were given,which everyone can and should be practicing. Excellent presentation.Varalakshmi Ramesh03:14 13 Aug 20Wonderful Experience. Develops positive thinking and gives proper outlook about life. Very beneficial for good personality development. Love the presentation, it is very interesting ,and makes you feel enthusiastic and energetic.Anjali Hardikar15:40 12 Aug 20One of the few people you come across in life who walk the talk! Their abundant attitude can be seen in their webinars! Indeed well crafted and delivered. Stay Blessed!Best wishes and looking forward to more webinars!Manjula Tippa13:46 12 Aug 20The webinar was awesome,highly energetic , full of positive vibes, perfect coordination of the hosts. It actually inspired me for positive and abundance mindset.Thank you for inspiring and changing the mindsetankur Gupta13:13 12 Aug 20It was a wonderful experience to attend this webinar. The presenters had an aura of positivity and it was a vibrant session. It taught me to focus on my blessings and be full of gratitude for whatever I possess. My focus will be on my end goal, which is to achieve peace and happiness in my life.Paramjeet Kingra16:58 30 Jul 20Really love your webinars, specially this one about relationships. It was a fresh insight into how to hold on to the relationships without smothering the other person. Keep up the good work.Sushma K Kasi14:01 30 Jul 20Lovely information! I really love the energy in your webinars and also interactive quests that u give to assess.Thank you so much.Wish to attend more n more !Eva Lyngdoh11:16 30 Jul 20Thank you so much for organizing this webinar. i really enjoy it and it has helped me notice that my relationships are challenging and how to give up the addiction to being right. Thanks once again.Swaranjit cheema10:57 30 Jul 20The session was very motivating. Such sessions keep you in the present moment and truly create awareness. Although I m old enough, I continuously keep refining my habits because it gives me happiness. My friends always wonder as to why I attend these sessions. But I love them. Being a professor it adds to my students values because I always impart the good things I learn to them. Thank you ISRA for the free sessions.Neha Divanji10:53 30 Jul 20I attended the workshop on 4 habits of Healthy Relationships. It was an amazing concept. I feel empowered having attended this workshop. Sneha and Shashank as usual have got me thinking, on how can I change for the better.Antony Peediekkal12:30 15 Jul 20HiI have Attended No more stress. 1. First of both of your smile starting to end of the session made me happy.2.you have explained the cause for stress in a simple manner with clarity.3. The practical test which you have given to find out oneself where he or she was great.4.Finly the five instructions to Transform oneself were wonderful.5. On the whole the session amazing experience.Zarir Master04:33 12 Jul 20I have attended a day seminar. I was most impressed by the preparation, the presentation, the oratory, the interaction, the joint mutual understanding between the two leaders and the general genial atmosphere created by the group thanks to the leadership.Two of us attended from our Organization and I have every desire to attend more depending on topics.I confess that I have missed a lot because of avoiding webinars. I don't enjoy the lack of physical presence.The topics chosen are excellent and it's a real pleasure participate.ZARIR MASTERKIRANJOT KAUR09:35 11 Jul 20How do you feel? When someone before you wake up and ready to pamper you with good thoughts..... It is something like same... ISRA...is doing through sending me emails. Those Beautiful and motivational mails kick starts my day with full energy . I have been attended your webinars. I always feel happy to see your mails in my inbox.Now in busy life no one has time to care for you..... But... ISRA has. I can just wish for you, GOD bless and GOD bless you. You are doing a great job.Nipun Pubg pro10:49 10 Jul 20I have attended almost all webinars during Lockdown. Wish to inform you its amazing. Both Mr. Shanshank and Ms. Sneha are amazing. Keep it up.all the best for future.Upasana Rayal10:13 10 Jul 20It was really attending the session ! you guys are doing a great job. Motivating the people and inspiring their hidden potential is indeed a tedious process but the way you are doing it is a real magic! Congratulations from my side!Farize Pavri09:10 10 Jul 20I had the privilege of attending the webinar on “How to deal with difficult people” yesterday. The method used of self-awareness and ways on how to move to move forward were brilliant, to the point and most relevant. An Absolute eye-opener. Your simple explanations have surly given me an incentive to take a step forward in the right direction. Many thanks for adding value to my professional & personal life.Manju Sharma06:05 10 Jul 20Please accept my heartfelt thanks for organizing Wonderful n knowledgeable webinars.Remarkable presentation of all sessions with insightful dissemination of the things that matter the most for everyone have left an indelible expression in the hearts of everyone. Having been enriched with the treasure bestowed, we have infused in our selves a fresh vigour and enthusiasm for our personal n professional growth. I express my gratitude to you for providing such a wonderful opportunity. Looking forward to your incessant benevolent association.Dr. Disha Khanna05:59 10 Jul 20The Isra duo is an impeccable combination of beauty with brain. So far I have got many opportunes to witness your energy only on a virtual platform, but a strong inquisitiveness to meet you both over a rendezvous & imbibe lot more. With you guys, the most significant learning is to- learn, unlearn & relearn. Keep soaring! Your deadly combo is intriguingly contagious.
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