Things are rapidly changing all around us and the world as we knew it, doesn’t exist anymore. Changes are happening at such a fast pace that it difficult to catch up. Rapid changes in technology, economic environment, the climate, products, services….everything is in a constant state of flux…
In this kind of a situation what is the one thing that we all need in order to survive? What is it that will help us thrive in this uncertain, unpredictable volatile environment? What will help us be better people, better parents, better managers, better leaders?
Most often in the past the focus has been external
• presence
• personality
• packaging
• communication
Soon it became apparent that external has no value and cannot be sustained, unless there is a strong internal component. Today with the kind of changes we are facing, what is going to help us thrive? The answer is simple. Its high level of Resilience.
In this workshop we discover What Is Mental Toughness And How You Build It. We also debunk 4 faulty assumptions on handling adversity and finally we help participants learn powerful ways of building greater mental toughness.