Have you ever wondered why people behave the way they do? Have you ever wanted to understand yourself and others better?
Almost every day we assess the personalities of the people around us. “She is so organised”, “He is so dynamic”, “They are perfectly compatible”, “He is a good guy”. Though we spend a lot of time talking about ourselves and people around us, we are not quite sure what their personality is all about.
Imagine how amazing it would be if you had an easy psychological system for understanding yourself and the people around you.This powerful online session does exactly that! It helps you decode your personality and those of others.
At this workshop, we enable you to analyse and categorise psychological types using ‘shape psychology’ and discover how to communicate with them despite differences.
✓ Understand Different Personality Types
✓ Decode Why People Behave The Way They Do
✓ Discover Your Own Personality Type
✓ Know Expectations And Triggers Of Each Personality Type
✓ Learn Specific Strategies To Successfully Communicate With Different People
✓ Receive A Certificate Of Participation
✓ Bonus: A Downloadable PDF Of Communication Strategies For Personality Types
“Thanks a lot for an awesome overview of Psycho-Geometrics and taking us through the various personality ‘shapes’. My biggest takeaway was understanding my own personality, my triggers and reactions, and also the personality of other people. I learnt how I can connect with different people with better results. Kudos to our trainers for taking us through the workshop with numerous examples in a very interactive way. I truly appreciate it.“
— Surendra Kumar Sitani
At some point in our lives, most of us have to deal with people whom we just don’t like or we struggle to get along with. And that can be hard! I have had my fair share of ‘difficult’ people in my life, where the differences seemed unsurmountable. I would often get triggered and lose my sense of control and personal power.
I would try to ‘explain’, ‘persuade’, ‘change’ or ‘fix’ people around me, with the intention of improving the relationship, and most often fail miserably.
It eventually led to loads of resentment, bitterness, lost time and lost opportunities, all of which could be avoided with an understanding of how to adapt to different personalities.
Be it a parent, sibling, spouse, in-laws, boss, or colleague, we are bound to get associated with people who are different from us, isn’t it? The fact is – we cannot change anyone else, and only person we will ever have control over is US. This is one of the most powerful lesson we need to learn, in order to make our relationships easy and meaningful.
The book “What Share Are You?” based on Psycho-Geometrics®, literally changes the way you interact with others. It helps you improve your relationships, and build your confidence. It helps you develop greater empathy and gives you tools to communicate better. Trust me, it has the power to completely transform your life!
The goal of my book is to help people get to root of the matter, understand themselves and understand how different personalities function in the world around us. And in this understanding, one can find most of the answers, to even seemingly complex human issues.
Buy Book Here
“Thank you so much for the amazing session. It was powerful & insightful. I loved the concept of of Psycho-Geometrics, which such a superb tool to understand self and others. This workshop actually built my confidence and changed the way I will now deal with people. I really liked the concept of where to Pause-Look-Proceed that can be crucial in my communication. This was truly a simple, yet powerful program.”
— Rekha Rani
“As humans, we cannot ignore our basic need of being understood by others. Kudos to Sneha and Shashank for highlighting this. They emphasized that the key to developing effective communication starts with an understanding of self and our fellow humans. The fact of why people behave in a certain manner was explained so well with Psycho-Geometrics. I have benefited immensely through this insightful session. I will surely refer it to my friends and family.”
— Saloni Sreenivas
“The session taught me a lot about understanding personality types and improving my way of communicating with them. I also learnt a lot about my own personality type and how I can make changes to become even effective in my personal and professional life. This is a must-attend workshop! Sneha and Shashank were awesome and the session was extremely engaging, simple, yet profound. Thank you!”
— Pranay Binju
Dr.Susan Dellinger, communications specialist and author of ‘Communicating Beyond Our Differences’, developed a path-breaking behavioral system that uses a “common shape language” to identify personalities and decode the ways in which our individual brains function.
Psycho-Geometrics® was created in 1978 and since then, this program has been presented to various Fortune 500 Corporations, and to over 1 million people in 24 countries, significantly improving communication among colleagues, managers, customers and personal relationships.
Once you understand the “common shape language” you can use it immediately to turn tension into traction – confusion into clarity – ideas into results! Psycho-Geometrics®is a ubiquitous articulation of Carl Jung’s insights into Personality Types.
Psycho-Geometrics® is especially useful in linking behaviour to results in the areas of leadership, management, communication, team building, sales and service and can be utilized by any department.
“The two-hour session was an eye-opener for the way we view and perceive people. The whole concept of fitting people into geometrical shapes is enlightening. Everyone is different and has different characteristics. I learnt to understand the other person’s perspective to have better relationships. Thank you Sneha and Shashank for such an awesome session, it was a beautiful learning experience. Looking forward to more sessions from you both.”
— Yashika Mehra
“The workshop on Communicating Despite Differences was very engaging and insightful. I gained a fresh perspective on how we all have different personalities and how we can effectively use this knowledge to communicate better. The way it was conducted in an interactive format, made us think and analyze at each step and not just be a passive listener. My favourite part was where I identified the personality shape of myself and some of my loved ones and colleagues.I am very happy and grateful that I could attend this workshop. It was absolutely amazing!”
— Athira Kadampatta
Option 1: INR 1299/- (For LIVE)
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Attend LIVE (4-6 PM) and interact with our directors. Get your questions answered live.
Option 2: INR 1799/- (For 24 Hr Recording + LIVE)
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Learn at your own pace. You will be sent a link to attend the workshop LIVE and also a 24 hour protected recording link. Even if you cannot attend it LIVE, you can watch the recording for upto 24 hours.
*This purchase is non refundable / non transferable
Do you want to offer this workshop for your company? Please click here to see the corporate profile. Write to us on info@isra.co.in
Sneha Shah & Shashank Gupta (Founders of ISRA training company of Mumbai) are owners of Psycho-Geometrics® India, a fully owned and independently managed Indian division, supported by Dr. Susan Dellinger & P-Geo Worldwide. ONLY, Sneha & Shashank have the exclusive rights to offer Train The Trainer programs, certify consultants on the (IP) intellectual Property (Psycho-Geometrics® system) in the region of India.